Thursday, February 7, 2013

Simply Keeping Up

It's been a while since my last post.
I lost my motivational steam after I tackled the kitchen and I decided to take a week off.
To be honest, my kitchen was what motivated me to start de-cluttering my life and since that's done it's been hard figuring out what to do next.
don't let that fool you though, Although I do have a small home there is PLENTY to do! 
now I'm getting revved up again, this week and next week I'm hoping to make some more huge changes.
I'm finding that my 'diet' may be negatively affecting nursing Autumn and so I'm back to "normal" and just cutting sugars.
I'm hoping I can start integrating exercise into my morning/daily routine but I have yet to get that under control.
This week my goals were/are just to keep up and finish organizing my office. I'm also hoping to get to my DVDs and junk drawer. 
Next week, My big focus is to make our basement less scary and more of a liveable space
 We just bought new furniture, I'm hoping it will warm our house up for us and make the living room more of an inviting space. We are putting the current living room furniture into the basement and so I thought maybe I should figure that space out.
I had originally thought that I should tackle that space with Patrick because there is the potential for painting, and even some building that would need to go into making it a more liveable space but I realized that he is so busy these days and I am perfecty capable of doing a project like that all by my self.
I'll be posting pictures soon of our new living room and our basement soon!
Thanks for keeping up with me!! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cara,

    Every Lent for the past couple of years I have done 40 bag for 40 days. We get rid of 40 bags of garbage and donations. I also walk 40 miles in 40 days. It is always what I need to purge unnecessary stuff from my life and the walking always gets me back on track for exercise. If you can't do it for Jesus then you won't ever be able to do it for yourself. Thanks for posting it will help me as I too purge and clean during Lent.
